Btk Crime Scene Photos

Btk Crime Scene Photos

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After BTK’s arrest on February 25, 2005, investigators uncovered his bizarre obsession with self-bondage.

On Pinterest. See more ideas about Serial killers, True crime and Crime. Photo of serial killer Dennis Rader, also known as the BTK killer. Dennis Rader was.

Word for mac style apply change to all paragraphs. Dennis Rader maintained what he called his “mother lode” of sketches, drawings, Polaroid photos of himself dressed in the victims’ clothing, and all of his communications, which he used to fantasize about his activities. There were literally hundreds of pieces of evidence linking him to all of the murders.

According to CNN, Rader admitted to setting up his tripod and camera in hotel rooms and taking photographs of himself, and he would often experiment with “auto-erotic activity,” which involved Rader limiting his own oxygen supply to experience “a heightened feeling of euphoria’ during sexual release.”

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These self-bondage photos featured below gave investigators crucial insight into how a family man and church leader Dennis Rader transformed into the BTK Killer.

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