Decompile Progress .r File

Decompile Progress .r File

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Hi guys.. just joined today for the same reason most ppl probably do. I have an 'issue'.
The issue relalates to my own nimble fingers operating at above safe speed while completely disconnected from my brain/eyes.. i.e. stupidity.
Having just written a nice little dot-w program for use in the MFG-Pro environment, I started to write a reporting program with a similiar name. At my first save, I rather stupidly saved it over the top of my other program.
So now I have a dot-r.. but no dot-w. Can anyone point me in the right direction towards saving myself from days of re-writing the dot-w?
I am running Progress V8.3b in Windows

By default, R keeps track of all the commands you use in a session. This tracking can come in handy if you need to reuse a command you used earlier or want to keep track of the work you did before. These previously used commands are kept in the history.

FilesDecompile Progress .r File

You can browse the history from the command line by pressing the up-arrow and down-arrow keys. When you press the up-arrow key, you get the commands you typed earlier at the command line. You can press Enter at any time to run the command that is currently displayed.

Saving the history is done using the savehistory() function. By default, R saves the history in a file called .Rhistory in your current working directory. This file is automatically loaded again the next time you start R, so you have the history of your previous session available.

If you want to use another filename, use the argument file like this:

Piew is free, fast and light-weight Windows PROGRESS 4GL/ABL code editor with some basic and additional features with syntax highlighting. Why another editor? Sometime you don't want load whole PROGRESS environment just for source viewing or maybe you want use some features that are not available in basic PROGRESS editor.

Be sure to add the quotation marks around the filename.

You can open an Explorer window and take a look at the history by opening the file in a normal text editor, like Notepad.

You don’t need to use the file extension .Rhistory — R doesn’t care about extensions that much. But using .RhistoryGoogle translate offline package download. as a file extension will make it easier to recognize as a history file.

If you want to load a history file you saved earlier, you can use the loadhistory() function. This will replace the history with the one saved in the .Rhistory file in the current working directory. If you want to load the history from a specific file, you use the file argument again, like this:


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