War Thunder Tanks Test Server

War Thunder Tanks Test Server

War Thunder Tanks Test Server Rating: 6,1/10 2099 reviews

Pff, that's for normal tanks (But it is there anyway). On the Maus, everything is bigger. The short 75 mounted alongside the main 128 originally served as anti-infantry and soft target weapon of choice. In War Thunder, these vehicle types are either not found on the battlefield or as latter only on certain maps. Pages in category 'Germany ground vehicles' The following 105 pages are in this category, out of 105 total.

War Thunder Announcement! ‘MURICAN TANKS!

Okay, it’s not really an announcement about tanks, it’s an announcement about an announcement about tanks that will be coming in the next few weeks. You can find all the info for it here.

We have no idea what they’re going to announce, they could just be announcing another announcement of an announcement, but we can sure hope that it’s going to an announcement of the tanks themselves.

There are a handful of tanks that we know are going to be in game because we’ve seen them before, either as captured tanks or for limited times on the test server. Those tanks are these:

This one’s a no brainer. Not only was it one of the most widely used tanks in history, there’s a version already in game as a captured tank that the German players can use. The M4 Sherman first saw combat in North Africa during the war. Then, the only weapons that the German army had that could defeat it were the infamous Flak 88 and the handful of Panzer 3 tanks that were mounted with the 50mm/L60 Kwk 39. The Sherman was more than a match for anything the Germans could throw at it for a year after its initial combat deployment. As the war progressed the Sherman was continually updated with more armor, better engines, and occasionally a better gun. It had more variants than anyone can count on their individual fingers and toes, and there’s surely to be a large portion of the tech tree made up of variants of this one vehicle.

This is such a cute little combat vehicle. It’s already been spotted on the test server by vigilant testers. Where the Sherman is a medium tank, the Chaffee is a light, in almost every respect. At best it has half the armor, which at the time wasn’t much when it’s fighting Panthers, Tigers, and King Tigers. It was significantly faster, able to do hit thirty five miles per hour on open ground, which was a lot for a tank in the 1940’s. However, it mounted what was essentially the same gun as the Sherman, a 75mm gun capable of penetrating near 100mm of armor at close range. By the time it was introduced that 75mm gun had run its course, and was generally considered not powerful enough to fight German tanks, however it was more than up to the task for supporting infantry and taking out lightly armored targets like trucks light fortifications, and it at least stood a chance of winning against German heavy armor.

Because of its place in World of Tanks, the Chaffee has seen plenty of love from the military enthusiasts of the world. There’s tons of media and literature online about the Chaffee, but I prefer something nice and raw, so spin, just fact. For that, I have to give you this:

The Chieftain is Wargaming’s military adviser for tanks. His “Inside the Hatch” series is an excellent video resource to see and learn about real tanks, not the sometimes dubious digital facsimiles.

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Using a World of Tanks resource when talking about War Thunder? There’s a special place in internet hell for me, I’m sure.

Another one on the list of things that have been spotted on the test server, this is going to be one of the American anti-air vehicles. It’s likely to be Rank 2 or 3 based on the year it was introduced. Since it’s made for shooting down planes, it doesn’t have cannons, it has machineguns, four of them, good ol’ Browning M2 .50 calibers. It’s comparable to the German Wirblewind which has quad 20mm guns, but its advantage will be total ammo count and belt size. The Wirblewind carries under 3200 rounds of ammunition but has to reload after firing just 80 shots. The M16 will carry around 5000 rounds and be able to spray out at least 400 before having to put on new ammo boxes. The M2’s also have about double the fire rate of the German 20mm’s, making for a very thick stream of bullets.

This one caught me by surprise. I was expecting to see the M26 Pershing before the Patton but, lo and behold, there it is. However, because it’s here, we can expect to see the various improvements to the Patton design like the M47 and M48 but, this is about the M46. I’ll save talk about the other two for after the announcement. The M46 is essentially an upgraded M26 Pershing. It fixed most of the problems with the Pershing design and had a more powerful engine installed that let it hit a top speed of around 50kph, or 30mph. Its gun was also an improvement on the Pershing’s, a 90mm with some teeth. At 500 meters it had a standard armor piercing round that could go through 130mm’s of armor. Okay, that doesn’t sound like a lot, because it’s not when the tanks it could be fighting have 130mm’s of armor with deflective angling and guns that can go through 150mm’s of armor at the same distance. However, for true armor piercing power the Patton could fire an armor-piercing-composite-rigid round that can go through 220mm’s of armor at the same distance. Aha, now that 130mm’s of armor doesn’t sound so tough. I really look forward to this tank. It’s going to be fun using it to swiss-cheese overconfident Panther and T-54 drivers. The M46 is going to be Rank 5 in the U.S. tank tree, and will probably have some even better machines above it.

When it comes to games about WW2, or the Cold War, or that tumultuous era in general, I’m basically a Captain America type. I tend to play America and max it out before I get to anything else. With War Thunder I’ve already done that with the planes, but they only launched ground forces with Germany and Russia. Granted, I love the hell out of my Jagdtiger, but I can’t wait to be behind the gun mantlet of a Patton.

If War Thunder lag has been preventing you from playing the game in a smooth manner then fear not as today, we take a look on a few steps to solve the lag issues for good.

War Thunder is one of the most popular war shooters out there right now but the problem of Lag, High Ping, Disconnections and other related issues have been plaguing the game’s user base. Many people have been reporting War Thunder Lag and other similar issues on different community forums on the internet and they have been looking for a fix to their problem.

War Thunder Lag Fix

This article is going to provide you with a few tweaks and fixes that you can use to fix Lag in War Thunder. The article includes some of the most reliable methods to fix this issue and it is recommended that you go through all of the fixes mentioned below as this is going to help you fix War Thunder Lag for good.

I fucking love when a lag spike hits in War Thunder and you get thrusted into the ground.

War Thunder Tanks Test Server

“Get better internet.” Yeah I’ll be sure to mate.

— Golden (@GoldenJusticeYT) January 24, 2017

Playing a game like War Thunder when you have lag problems is a surreal experience to say the least.

— David J Britton (@Tyburn_Cross) August 5, 2016

With that said, let us have a look at some of the best ways to fix War Thunder Lag.

System Requirements

The first step to take when trying to fix War Thunder lag is to make sure that your computer meets the official recommended system requirements for the game. The official requirements can be found below:

War Thunder Tanks Test Server

You should make sure that you meet the above-mentioned system requirements and upgrade your system if you do not as this is the very first step that you should take when you are trying to fix War Thunder Lag for good.

Graphics Settings

If upgrading your computer is not an option right now then you can try something else. Try lowering and changing some of the game’s graphics settings to see if it helps you fix this issue. A screenshot of the in-game graphics settings can be found below:

You can start by lowering some or all of the graphics settings and check if your problem is resolved. Users have also reported being able to solve War Thunder Lag by switching the game’s graphics renderer to OpenGL.

Other than that, you can also try changing to DirectX 9 mode to see if it helps you with the problem. Users have also reported that their issue was resolved by turning on Vsync in the graphics settings with the mode being switched to Windowed. Work your way through all of these settings and also try to do a bit of trial and error of your own and this should help you fix War Thunder Lag for good.

Perform a file check and Reinstall

Many users have also reported being able to fix this problem by using the file check option in the game. This verifies the integrity of all of the game files and a simple button triggers this process. The button is found next to the graphics settings and you need to click on the small gear icon. Then select Check Files and the process should begin. You can also try reinstalling the game and its launcher if the problem still persists after the file check. Follow these steps and you should be able to fix War Thunder Lag without problems.

Community Based Solutions

Since War Thunder is a free-to-play game, there are a lot of players out there and there have been a few verified fixes available from the community to fix the issue. A fix that can be found in this thread has proven to be incredibly reliable in fixing War Thunder lag and this fix is as follows:

  1. Go to the game’s installation directory. By default it should be C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonWar Thunder.
  2. Locate config.blk file and open it with Notepad.
  3. Locate the following lines and change them to:
    • renderer2:t=”dx11″
    • disableFlipEx:b=no
    • driver:t=”dx11″
    • d3d9ex:b=no
  4. Save changes and right click config.blk. Choose Properties.
  5. Go to General tab and make sure to check Read-only option.
  6. Click Apply and OK to save changes.
  7. Start the game. If you get notification saying that you can’t save settings, just click Yes.

This fix has proven incredibly beneficial for all users out there and should help you fix your War Thunder Lag for good.

Internet Connection Requirements

You should also make sure that you have a decent internet connection available when you are playing games online. A good internet connection with at least 4MBPS of upload and download speed is one of the basic requirements for playing online without War Thunder Lag and you should also make sure that there are no other devices on your network that could be using the internet when you are playing games online.

Use a Wired Internet Connection

Using a wired internet connection is very important when you are looking to fix War Thunder Lag. A wireless internet connection is prone to packet loss and disconnections by design and you should make sure that you do not use a wireless internet connection if you are looking to play War Thunder without Lag.

Use a Network Enhancer

Using a network enhancement utility like Kill Ping has also helped many users fix War Thunder Lag reliably. This network enhancer uses its network of dedicated servers around the world to reduce your lag and latency to the game server by using the shortest possible route. This eliminates any network configuration problems from your ISP’s end as well.

Considering how Kill Ping has been able to fix this and other related problems for many users out there, you should give it a go and see if it helps you fix War Thunder Lag. However, if you are still facing problems after using Kill Ping, talk to us by replying in a comment below and I will be happy to help out.

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